A planet is more comfortable when it is in its own sign. A planet's ruling dignity indicates its own agenda, its capacity to do things on its own. He sets the agenda in his sign and draws more attention successfully, without the need for others. This is the first of the five strongest essential dignities of a planet that shows the physical content of the planet issues.
The domicile signs and detriment signs are diametrically opposed to each other. It should not, as is often done, be limited to the assertion of the weakness of a planet in the zodiac signs of its detriment. Here it is necessary to indicate exactly where its weakness is, because from a certain point of view the planet in these positions has a significant, albeit specific force which is related to the internal, unconscious, hidden, opposite, distorted manifestations of the functions of the planet. If a man realizes that he must develop his soul, the same can use his potential to its full potential,In a crisis situation, it has a very high status on a subconscious level,
When a planet comes to the sign in which it is exalted, it is more cherished like a guest there. That planet is basically applauded and more elevated, so the planet is at its maximum because it is encouraged in that sign. The ruling sign does everything himself, but in exaltation, that planet is held superior, this means that the person has something to say in the related matters, has a name, has superiority, is applauded, attracts attention, gets help in mastering and manifests its spiritual virtues. The exalted planet shows its creative side i.e. conscious spiritual revival
An Astrological fall is the sign that is positioned directly opposite a planet's sign of exaltation. As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, the fall is a position of weakness regarding the function and representation of the planet. The energy of the planet could only be extracted out of our deep unconscious mind.In the program for the development of the soul, inscribed in the subconscious on the axis of spiritual growth Оn the surface, the planet manifests its most degraded features.
1 - Domicile
2 - Detriment
3 - Exaltaion
4 - Fall
Point system for rulership of the planets.
Kinship - elements of one element (fiery planet in a fiery sign, air in the air, etc.) - maximum strength and organic matter. In each of the 3 signs of its element the planetary function is realized strongly and organically. In the first connected sign the planet is considered controlled, in the second it receives an additional positive stimulus. The position in the third sign, from the point of view of the adequacy of the term, can be considered as exaltation, since here the planetary function rises. Thus, the only sign for the elevation of any planetary function is the sign corresponding to the IX planetary house in relation to the I house - the sign of designation, ie external control. For example, Mercury exalts itself in Aquarius - development and scale elevate logic, and communication elevates democracy and morality; Venus is sublime in Capricorn - desire raises restraint and moderation, and aesthetics - laconicism and constructiveness. The material needs of a person in case his natal Venus is in Capricorn are minimal, which creates the best opportunities for their satisfaction, etc.
Friendship - elements of one polarity male or female - preservation of organic qualities, but loss of strength. At the same time, the planetary function here acquires the fullness of qualities. Each element strives for an organic result for it:" fire " - to process, "air" - to convince, "earth" - to fix, "water" - to calm down. The elements belonging to one polarity qualitatively complement each other: the "fire" lacks attention, the "air" lacks efficiency, on the "Earth" - plasticity, on the "water" - form. Therefore, the result of the combination is the following: at the same time, its transformative abilities are significantly reduced - "air" planet in the sign of "fire" - thinking and communication are activated and business, but there is a tendency to hasty decisions, communication becomes unnecessarily rough, and sometimes rough - hence the loss communicative properties; - "Earth" planet in a "water" sign - feelings, desires, aesthetic principles are plastic, deep, emotional, but their security, accuracy, formality and specificity disappear; - "water" planet in the sign "earth" - the manifestations of the unconscious plan become more accurate, more definite, more manageable, but their plasticity and ability to adapt to changing conditions decrease. This is the manifestation of a phenomenon called "inferiority complex" in psychology - any planetary function located in a "friendly" element requires additional attention due to lack of strength. For example, consider the position of the Sun ("fire") in the air signs. Gemini's self-esteem is unstable - they are afraid of misunderstanding and therefore tend to constantly look for opportunities for dialogue; Libra believes that partners and allies underestimate their contribution to the common cause, hence the fear of loneliness, "fixation" on the recognition of others around them as indispensable in corporate matters; Aquarius, as a rule, is afraid of losing his authority and therefore strives for central roles, but without accepting responsibility. Here the position of the Sun is as weak as possible, because of the three air signs Aquarius is not only "friendly" to the Sun, but also the place of his "exile". In general, the presence of the planet in the sign of the "friendly" element is characterized as a functional weakness. A terminological question may arise here - if the planet is weakening, then what does "friendly" have to do with it? Let us remember how, visiting a friend who strives to guess and fulfill our every wish, we return home and hardly regain the lost self-care skills.
Constructiveness - is the safest position of the planetary function in terms of possible anomalies. The complementarity of functions, strength, and organicity is average, but in general, the position is not bad. The pairs" fire-ground "and" air " -water "interact constructively: -" fiery "planet in the sign" earth "- the activity is limited, regulated, directed, pragmatized and increases productivity; -" terrestrial "planet in the sign" fire "- desires, control, sacrifice are activated, realized - "air" planet in the sign "water" - thinking acquires imagery, associativity, communication - emotionality, plasticity, sensitivity; - "water" planet in the sign "air" - the manifestation of the unconscious becomes easier, more significantly, sensations and impressions are verbalized.
Hostility - manifestation from abnormal to pathological, strength is maximum, organic matter is minimal. In this position the immunity of the function to negative influences decreases: -" fiery "planet in the sign of" water "- the activity is unusually strong, but it depends on the mood and the environment, which means that it manifests itself spontaneously and unpredictably - "water" planet in the sign of "fire" - activates the unconscious plan, which leads to extreme sharpening of intuition and emotional reactions to any stimulus, tends to hyperbolization or even hypertrophy in terms of actual or perceived stimuli - "air" planet in the sign of "earth" - the functions of intelligence and sociability are pragmatized, concretized, but at the same time slowed down, thinking becomes difficult and logic conservative; - planet "earth" in the sign "air" - feelings, desires, the idea of obligations and duty acquire awareness, but also lightness, superficiality, loss of solidity and reliability in solving of practical problems. Special attention should be paid to the theological aspect of the information related to determining the strength of the planet in the sign. Each planet symbolizes a certain fateful function, which is realized on a mental, behavioral, somatic, personified, situational and eventual level. In this case, the strength of the planetary function of each of the planes manifests itself in the same way and depends on the compatibility of the elements of the planet and the sign of its location. Therefore, the potential strength of an event is always equal to the strength of the function necessary for the successful passage of that event, and the strength of the disease is equal to the strength of the organ or system affected by that disease. Here once again the law of Divine justice is confirmed, where each test corresponds to the power of the object. And yet, no matter what element the planet is in, there is no ideal position. Even in the sign of its own rule, the planetary function can become a source of serious problems. Just as the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that our bodies so desperately need cannot be used in their pure form as food, so planetary functions, even when best positioned, need to be systematically improved. How can they be developed (improved)? The term "making" is often heard in astrological dialogue, but at the same time, as a rule, it does not contain specific instructions or recommendations, but only calls for improving the function of the planet as a whole. From the point of view of the Principle of Integrity, the study of planetary function is the mastery of all the qualities of the zodiac signs of the cross at its discovery. In addition, special attention must be paid to mastering the qualities of the sign of "hostile" squaring.
Triplicity rulers
Even though the planet cannot put its agenda so strongly as a domicil planet, it means it gets support from the opportunities and environment. It is not self-dominant but It is like a man between his friends and supporters.Cardano considers planets in their triplicities to be like men taking care of their mediocre properties
This dignity is third in power and suggests the availability of friends and counsel who can help. A planet in a sign belonging to the triplicity it rules is said to be like a person with his relatives or amongst bodyguard, supporters, and helpers.
Triplicity rulership is linked to sect and each triplicity of signs is ruled by several planets, one of which assumes primary or sole rulership for a given sect. Originally there were two main systems of triplicity rulership: one handed down by Dorotheus and other practicing astrologers, and one-handed down by Ptolemy. Morin lists another version by Schoener and adds one of his own.
Dorotheus's triplicity rulers are threefold. They were handed down to and used by the Arab/Persian/Jewish astrologers, and consequently by the medieval Latins. In diurnal charts, each triplicity is ruled primarily by the primary ruler, secondarily by the secondary ruler, and thirdly by the participating ruler. In nocturnal charts, the primary and secondary rulers switch places: each triplicity is ruled primarily by the secondary ruler, secondarily by the primary ruler, and thirdly by the participating ruler. The participating ruler always comes last.
A planet in its term is like a person in his residence" or amongst his kinfolk and people.
Decan. The weakest dignity is decan. Each sign has three decans of 10° apiece, equaling 36 in all. Each is ruled by a single planet. When a planet is in its own decan, it is like a person with fine ornaments and clothing39 or in his profession.
The decans were originally calendrical devices based on fixed stars and were later adapted to astrological medicine and other purposes. Over time they lost their original importance except for specialized purposes in astrological medicine and astrological magic.For the most part they are only used in medieval astrology for purposes of tallying points, or when all other possibilities for finding an effective ruler have been exhausted. In some cases, they are omitted altogether as effective candidates.
The most widely used decan rulerships are those I will call the “Chaldean.” This system used average planetary speed as its mechanism, assigning the first decan of Aries (0°-9°59’) to Mars and the rest to the other planets in turn, in order of increasing speed: Sun, Venus, Mercury this scheme Mars winds up ruling the last decan of Pisces, thus ruling two decans in a row , Moon, then beginning over again with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, et cetera. In his scheme Mars winds up ruling the last decan of Pisces, thus ruling two decans in a row.
Peregrination A peregrine planet is one that has neither dignity nor debility in its zodiacal position, hence it lacks any special strengths or weaknesses. It is only made weaker than it might normally be otherwise, although it is not technically afflicted. For instance, the Sun is peregrine in every degree of Taurus, because he has no rulerships at all in that sign. So a peregrine planet is a wanderer, as a person not in his own country; its effect depends on its rulers or accidental influences by aspect. If a peregrine planet is in the domicile of a benefic planet or a planet-friendly to it, it will be able to work more constructively for what it signifies. If in the domicile of a malefic or a planet unfriendly to it, it can become “frustrated and malicious,” as Morin says of Mercury in Scorpio or Mars in Gemini.